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WHERE : BOM / Customers / Customer List


No matter how well you train your staff to Manually Register a new Customer, or how easy you make it for Customers to Self Register, you will one day find that you want to combine two Customers into one.

OscarPOS Cloud is pretty good at identifying multiple registrations and will even endeavour to automatically update required details when a manually registered customer later on tries to self register on your WEB APP or MOB APP.

  • Manually Registered Customer : A customer who’s details have been entered into the POS APP or BOM by you or your staff.
  • Self Registered Customer : A customer who has used your WEB APP or MOB APP to provide their details.

Consider that a Customer who Self Registers will need to provide a correctly formatted Mobile Number so that OscarPOS Cloud can send them a 2FA Verification code via SMS. For this and other security reasons, you cannot use Self Registered Customers as a Source Record.

Supported Customer Merging
Supported Customer Merging

So how do you get rid of multiple Customer Cards for the same Self Registered Customer ? For example, when the Customer initially uses +61000000000 and wonders why they don’t get a 2FA SMS code ? At the time of writing this article, to keep your Customer List “clean”, create a Customer Group and put the recalcitrant Customer/s in there. Soon you will have the function required to “delete” these Customer Cards.

Two Become One

BOM - Customer List - Duplicate Card Entry
BOM – Customer List – Duplicate Card Entry

The above is obviously an error – So let’s merge them, but keep the one that is obviously the active one.

Each Customer in your list, whether manually or self registered, will be given a Card#. This is NOT a Credit Card number, but a unique reference to identify that Customer. We will use this Card# to define our Source and Target. Target will be the one we want to keep – usually the one with the correct phone number and details or a history.

BOM - Customer List - Duplicate Card Entry - Source Card Number
BOM – Customer List – Duplicate Card Entry – Source Card Number
  • Identify SOURCE Card# and write it down
BOM - Customer List - Duplicate Card Entry - Target Card Number
BOM – Customer List – Duplicate Card Entry – Target Card Number
  • Open the TARGET Card – The one you want to KEEP
  • Click on Card# and change it to the SOURCE number
  • Press <UPDATE>
BOM - Customer List - Duplicate Card Entry - Duplicate Card Confirmation
BOM – Customer List – Duplicate Card Entry – Duplicate Card Confirmation

When you select <OK>

  1. Any points on the SOURCE Card will be transferred to the TARGET
  2. The SOURCE Card will be deleted



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